Blog index > Monica 0.2.0 with vCard

One of the biggest feature request is the ability to import contacts from Google. Google allows to export data about your contacts in the vCard format, which is the universal standard for exchanging contact information. Monica 0.2.0 adds the ability to import your data from a vCard file (either .vcard or .vcf), so you can populate your account with most of your data instead of having to add your friends one by one.

Default import report

Right after your contacts are imported, you are redirected to a dashboard where you can see the status of the import. Because users might have thousands of contacts, Monica imports them asynchronously. You'll have to wait a bit before all the contacts are imported.

Default import dashboard

You can click on a specific import to see what happened.

Default import dashboard

Also, we've added a feature to reset your account, which will be handy if you do import thousands of contacts and something goes wrong. Resetting an account deletes everything, except you.

Version 0.2.0 is already in production, and as always, you can install it on a server that you own.


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