Blog index > Monica 2.4.0

In the past two months we've shipped a bunch of useful new features and we've been too silent about it.

Here are some of the most important changes:

  • Remove automatic birthday reminder creation when editing a contact: this was something that irritated a lot of users. From now on, when you add/edit a contact and specify a birthdate, we don't automatically create a reminder for this event.
  • Debts across all your contacts are now showed on the dashboard.
  • We've added GDPR compliance. This is a new European law that forces us to confirm your email address on signup. I wanted to avoid it, but we don't have the choice legally.
  • We've improved the import of contacts through CSV. The process should work better now.
  • We've added a new kind of relationship between contact: ex-wife/husband.
  • There is a new filter in the contact list that lets you see contacts who are not associated with a tag.
  • We finally support nicknames for your contacts! You can also choose how you want to display the names in your account.
  • Add Yubikey support - this is another security feature for those who want an extra layer of protection.

On another note, it's been more than a year now that Monica has been launched on Hacker News. The growth has been pretty incredible, especially regarding the community on GitHub. We have now more than 110 contributors who help build Monica, which is awesome. That being said, there is a drawback to this: we've been shipping new features a lot, and because of this pace, we haven't been careful enough in the last months. Monica is not as stable as it should be. Nothing dramatic or critical, but the last two releases have seen some stupid bugs that we could have prevented, and we will put measures in place to increase the chances that this doesn't happen again. It's especially important to ship bug free releases as Monica is still a side project, and the worst that can happen is noticing something is very wrong on the platform while you are at work, and having to wait to find the time to actually fix and deploy to production (usually when we come back home and have to deal with kids etc...). On a daily basis, trust me, it's the kind of worries you don't want to have.

All this to say that we will try to focus on quality in general.

Please continue to send your feedback via email or through an issue on GitHub. We read every message and your opinion is important to us (really).

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